Here is the BEST Time to Fertilize Peas in Indiana (2023 Guide)

Do you want to fertilize peas in Indiana, but don’t know when the best time to do so is?

Fertilizing peas is not as easy as it seems.

Here’s why:

  • Peas require a specific time to be fertilized and a particular amount of fertilization.

So if you fertilize them too early they will die and if you fertilize them too late you won’t get any fruit.

And if you fertilize too much you will “burn” your plant and if you don’t fertilize enough your peas plant won’t grow quickly and large enough to bear a high yield of fruit.

Today, I’m going to teach you the ideal time to fertilize peas in Indiana:

  • To Learn More About WHEN To Fertilize Peas, Check Out This GUIDE!

When to Fertilize Peas in Indiana

YouTube video

There are two specific times you should fertilize your peas plants:

  • You should immediately fertilize your peas plants with a 10-10-10 NPK balanced fertilizer mix. The fertilizer should either be mixed with the soil you are planting or in the hole before you transplant your peas into the ground. This will allow your plants to grow quicker and larger.

  • The second round of fertilization should be applied just as your peas plant begins to grow fruit. You will want to still use a 10-10-10 balanced fertilizer mix. You will want to apply it to your soil and immediately water after. This will allow your peas plant to bear bigger and more fruit.

When NOT to Fertilize Peas in Indiana

do not do

There are certain times you should not fertilize your peas plant.

  • Don’t fertilize seedlings that are less than 1 month old.
  • Don’t fertilize peas plants without immediately watering them after.
  • Don’t fertilize peas plants once they have ripened fruit on them.
  • Don’t fertilize peas after the initial fertilization period or before fruit begins to grow on your plant.

How Much Fertilizer Should I Apply to My Peas Plants?

fertilizing plant

The amount of fertilization you apply will depend on the specific type of peas plant you have.

As a general rule you should:

  • Always follow the instructions on your fertilizer package. Never apply more than the recommended amount.
  • Apply the proper amount of fertilization around your peas plant and never directly on it or on its stem.
  • Provide the same amount of fertilization each time you apply it so that your peas plant does not become shocked by too many or too few nutrients.

If you want to learn WHEN to Fertilize ANY Plant in Indiana, head over HERE and just type in the plant you want to fertilize.

You can also find the BEST Fertilizers for Peas or Any Plant HERE.

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